Saturday, December 02, 2006

Just an Ordinary Thursday Night with the Girls

Thursday night class dinner party.

Note: Every winter, my sinus gets worse. Sometimes my voice can become especially nazel that, of course, catches the attention of the extraordinary auditory-sensitive Greek, Lena.

Inaya: And then he said--
Lena: *meniru dengan suara yg cempreng dari idung* And then he said--
Inaya: Stop doing that, I don't sound that bad.
Lena: ET.. Phone home.. *lengkap dengan jari telunjuk style*
Inaya: *ngambek mode on*
Lena: You should know that many singers take lessons so they can sound nazel for French medieval songs.
Inaya: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Lena: Who wanted to make you feel better?
Inaya: Well at least I don't laugh with one eye shut *offense is the best defense*.
Lena: Well at least I am not short.
Inaya: What are you talking about, we have the same height you freak.
Lena: No we don't, I'm taller! *berdiri penuh harga diri*.
Inaya: All Indonesians are short. There I'm the tallest. They're as small as my thumb.
Lena: *gak dengerin* Thera, who's taller Inaya or me?
Thera: Who cares, I'm still taller than both of you.
Agne: *rokok di tangan kiri, red wine di tangan kanan. Lidah melet2*

I am going to miss these girls so much when everything is done. I hate goodbyes.

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