Monday, May 22, 2006

Follow Suit

Monday, 22nd May 2006
Prins Hendrikkade, Amsterdam

*Responding Diana, krn sangat terganggu berbeda pendapat dengan orang yang I respect (negating own principle haha)*

That's true. That sometimes it's through the system that you can see more clearly. That was my decision utk jadi Ketua HMIK. To do what I can to make changes I disagreed with. I couldn't have done it as well should I not have been the Ketua (or maybe I can, tapi mesti deket sama Ketuanya or whatever), but I want to note that it wasn't my only option.

What bothers me is the comments of "Kerja dimana sekarang?" and the low faces when the response is "Buka usaha sendiri." Why? Why so condescending? What's so wrong about thinking out of the box? Banyak orang2 berhasil yang 'dipandang' di masyarakat karena dia berani bertindak di luar harapan orang. Bill Gates. J.K. Rowling. Ono W. Purbo. Mira Lesmana. George Bush (haha, gak deng).

So maybe it's not about cornering the decisions to follow suit and create a carreer for yourself - but it's the idea that you decided to because you want to be appreciated by other people, not because you want to. That you wanted to be seen and commented, "Wah hebat ya!" not because you actually feel the enjoyment in what you're doing. I guess the only person that can answer that question is ourselves. So there.

Best wishes, always.

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