Friday, July 14, 2006

An Update on His Majesty's Golden Foot

Friday, 14 July 2006
Prins Hendrikkade, Amsterdam

I knoooow it's silly and over-exposed - and it seems that everyone is over-discussing about this event. But to me, it's not just soccer. It's not just sport. It's what the event represents (yes, yes. To those who wish to roll your eyes, please do).

French President Jacques Chirac welcomed Zidane with open arms; which I argue is because to France, Zidane remains to be a symbol of hope to hundreds and thousands of the country's immigrants. His focus is on what Zidane represents, not the spirit of fair-play. Sports Minister Jean-Francois Lamour claimed that Zidane's acts were "unpardonable"as it humiliates the country in the face of sportivity. Some argue that should Zidane's excuse for headbutting Materazzi that is the insulting of his family be true, then he is truly a hero for he chose to become unpopular and lose the opportunity to kiss the world cup for the very last time in his career than to allow someone insult his mother and sister.

I just think it's interesting how one man's acts can create such a great self-reflection from the leader of one of the most influential country in the world until members of Indonesia's mailing list. This is one man, not even a politician. It makes me think of what change one person is potential of - and it is done by just doing something you love. You do not have to do the things other people, or society, deem as the best of quality in order to make change. You just have to be yourself and do what you are good at and just hope along the way you are so good at what you do that you inspire others.

One person's golden foot is another person's golden words, perhaps?

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