Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chapter 1


This is an excellent first chapter draft. You have written with a clear structure in mind and explained well how the thesis will develop from this period. I have made some specific comments upon your manuscript where I have found parts unclear or in need of further work. But in general I think you should now put this to one side for the moment so you can continue to work on drafting later chapters.

Good work!



Dear Inaya,

Please find comments on your draft chapter in the attached. I’m very impressed with this work and have simply raised some questions to try and further strengthen the situating of the approach within the existing literature – especially vis-à-vis the way you are drawing on political economy. Overall, it is looking strong.



Upon receiving these emails from my supervisors, I have to admit I did feel a swell of, hmm, gratefulness (for want of a better word than pride). But after I stepped back and saw the bigger picture, I burst my own bubble and reminded myself that the only important thing is what I have learned throughout the process of writing my PhD thesis.

That life, and anything we do in it, is a learning process.

And afterwards, finishing the first chapter seems like just any other day of learning how to be a better person.

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