Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ibu! Aku sampai!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Haji Samali, Jakarta

One of my favourite stories of the year was told by a dear friend of mine, about her daughter taking part in a swimming competition.

Gita: Lomba itu apa sih Ibu?
Ibu: Artinya kita berusaha untuk sampai di sisi satu lagi dengan secepat-cepatnya.

When she swam, she was the 4th to arrive - which won her a medal. Instead, when arriving to the other side of the pool, she said:

Gita: Ibu! Aku sampai!

Bukan menang. Tapi sampai.

It's that sincere concept of knowing we did our best, regardless of the result, that I want to instill in the young man I call my son. That our winnings will be irrelevant when compared to the learning process we go through.

That ambition, praise and wealth won't get us anywhere. But humility, contemplation and sincerity will bring happiness.

I can't stop thinking that it seems my son is already teaching me more than I will ever be able to do for him.

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